Monthly Archives: January 2011

Chronic Fatigue Symptoms at Bay

After a week and half of sporadic sleep, plenty of nausea, headaches, body aches and general feeling crappy (oh so much fun!), today I woke up feeling pretty darn good! It’s not perfect; I’m never symptom-free. I am feeling rested though!! I am looking forward to a productive work day sipping a yummy Starbucks coffee and having a restful, but accomplished weekend!

Happy Friday!

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Posted by on January 28, 2011 in CFS, Coping, Fibromyalgia, Working Life


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The Start of 2011

It’s been a rough start to the year. My vacation was not restful like I’d hoped between too much travel (little as it was), fighting a cold and plus my increased CFS symptoms. So my first two weeks back to work were beyond tough; even had to bite the bullet the second week and take two sick days.

What’s been happening? My CFS symptoms: exhaustion, nausea, headaches, muscle aches and pains, etc. have been in full force. I’ve spent as much time as I can resting, drinking water and relaxing. Yesterday I got a massage, went to see The Green Hornet and just chilled out. Today I spent the entire day in my chair knitting and watching TV or movies; only moving to get food or water. By the evening, I had enough steam to do some chores in slow motion. I am feeling better though – my nausea and headaches are much better. My energy is actually better; I made myself stay still for the active rest therapy that works well for me.

I am hoping that I sleep well tonight and can start the week with a realistic amount of energy. Last week was up, down and around; one day I would feel okay then the next it would feel like a truck snuck into my apartment and ran over me! I’ve got plans to bus to work again this week so I can sleep in an extra 20 minutes/day. I might walk once or twice, but I’m leaving that open. I have my clothes ready and my vegetables chopped for my snacks.

The week is off to a good start. Fingers crossed that my insomnia remains in moderation or even better – nil!


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