Tag Archives: kitten

Finding the balance: Working full-time, going to school full-time and living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Finding balance is always tricky for me. Balance between working, resting and having some semblance of a life is challenging for most but I also crave extra challenge and personal growth. I always loved school and have wanted to go back for years. It was never possible physically or financially before. Since I started working in oil and gas industry, I’ve worked long hours and worked strong and diligently as much as could, taking on extra projects, even long-term extra responsibilities. This left me drained physically and mentally. When I changed companies in 2010, it was an effort to find more balance. I enjoyed the new job, the stable work hours and the less stressful environment.

So, what changed?
I work 8 – 5, live close to work so it is only a 10 minute walk and was able to oversee a large project transferring our wireless device management to an outside company. But It wasn’t enough. The job was something I’ve done for years, IT administration. Is that all I was ever going to do? What about writing? What about starting my own business? Where would I be in another 5 years?

Here it comes… Schooling!

I started investigating DeVry and discovered that I could do a Bachelor’s degree without stepping into a classroom. Yes, it would be expensive. And a lot of work. I’m not a huge fan of commitment so this was a big one. It requires discipline, a huge amount of energy and a major lifestyle change. It means studying, homework, getting to work every day and studying most evenings and a chunk of every weekend. The pro and con lists were extensive.


  • Relapse of CFS
  • Ability to do my job effectively suffers
  • Financial commitment
  • Embarrassment if I didn’t do well or succeed


  • Finally get the education I’ve dreamed of
  • Find out if I can do more than just working
  • Learn the discipline to work extra at home to use for future writing projects
  • Enhance my career as it is, with or without writing
  • Personal growth
  • and the list goes on, and on…

Where am I at now?
I am at the same company, but moved to a new role as a Service Desk Analyst. This allows me to grow in my day job along with my studying. I started my degree February 27, 2012 and am estimated to graduate by mid-late 2014. Thanks to earlier course credits and my entrance exam results, I do not have to take a lot of the required entrance courses like social sciences and humanities. Instead, most of my 2.5 years will be spent learning relevant material like data analysis, management and planning. I’m halfway through semester 2 and enjoying it very much.

  • I also now have a 2.5 month old kitten, Oscar who loves to help me with my studies. He loves to play with pens, paper and laptops so he provides lots of entertainment.20120903-213829.jpg
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Posted by on September 3, 2012 in CFS, Coping, Home Life, Working Life


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